Welcome to the
Rockingham County Amateur Radio Club - N4IV
Piedmont Triad of North Carolina and Southside Virginia. Anyone, anywhere is welcome to become a member.
Interested in becoming an Amateur Radio Operator?
The next N4IV sponsored VE Test Session will be in 2025. Please check back often for date. The session starts at 9 a.m. and is located in the workshop at Jim, N3UZ's home, 660 Butter Rd, Reidsville (Wentworth) NC, 27320.
While preregistration is not necessary, a quick note to N3UZ (n3uzjim@aol.com) would be nice to know for planning purposes. Walk-Ins will be accepted! The examination fee of $14 is due at time of test.
Is financial hardship prohibiting you obtaining your license or testing??? We can help! please contact Bill, N8KSG at N8KSG@arrl.net, or call 336-907-6011 to ask about assistance.
Contact the VE Team for more information on VE Testing sessions at veteam@n4iv.org
The Next Club Meeting is Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army Community Center, 708 Barnes Street in Reidsville.
RCARC Club Information
The Rockingham County Amateur Radio Club Inc was founded in December 2002 and was formerly known as RATTS (Rockingham Amateur To Talk Society).
The RCARC meets the 3rd Tuesday evening on the months of January, February, April, May, July, August, October, and November. The location is the Salvation Army Community Center located at 708 Barnes Street in Reidsville at 7:00 PM. Visitors are welcome!
In the months of March, June, September, and December, a social gathering is held replacing the meeting for that month. The time and location may vary and will be announced in the club newsletter, Facebook page, and on the weekly net. Stay tuned for more information. Anyone is invited to the socials.
Local Amateurs meet for breakfast each Wednesday at Sanitary Restaurant in Reidsville. While the official "eating" time is 7 a.m., most gather at 6:30 a.m. to "solve the world's problems" over coffee before breakfast!
For more information on the Rockingham County Amateur Radio Club, please see the links to the left or contact us at info@n4iv.org.